IHCC Mobile clinic is given the go ahead as Rotary Luton North secure funding.

The Global Grant presented by the Rotary Clubs of Luton North, Dunstable UK and Sunrise Kampala Uganda has been approved by the Rotary Foundation – US$ 41,918, (UGX129,929,850) 

The Grant will allow the Charity to expand its work improving the quality of Children’s hearing health care services in the slum areas of Kampala, Uganda. In particular it will provide us with funds to set up a sound treated clinic with adequate equipment for screening and audiological assessment of children.

Training is an important part of the Grant and Audiologists from the UK have visited Kampala to train local healthcare workers to work in the Mobile Clinic. Others have been trained in Primary Ear Health Care, and now trained they are training others so the programme is on going. Also, IHCC are running sessions to educate families on the importance of prevention, early recognition and early management of hearing loss.

At present IHCC has a Clinic at the Kisugu Health Centre, Namuwongo Kampala, and it’s the first Clinic in Uganda to offer free specialised primary ear care services for children. They managed to reach 650 children in the first twelve months. However, with the addition of the Mobile Clinic, more equipment, and increased numbers of trained health care workers, IHCC expect to manage well over 2,000 children with ear problems each year; may be more once the Mobile Clinic is advertised. It’s a five year programme and benefits to the children include improved ear and general health, prevention of deafness, inclusion in the education system and increased employment opportunities.


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